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DriveRight 600e VSS
$ 375.00

DriveRight 600e GD
$ 375.00

DriveRight 600e OBD
$ 395.00

DriveRight 600e HD
$ 395.00

CarChip Pro - 8226
$ 99.00

CarChip Fleet Pro
$ 149.00

DriveRight 6OOe
CarChip Pro
DriveRight FMS
Wireless DR System

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Carchip Reviews, Safety Notice, Conflicts and Exclusions




    Rave Reviews about CarChip®

    See what people are talking about! Reviews include these and more:

    "The [CarChip] gadget's about the size of a small box of matches …the CarChip attached in a second. I got a kick out of seeing all the data... The CarChip connects to your PC using the USB port."
    PC World, January 2006

    "To give your teen the edge that could one day save their lives, there's CarChip ...it's a crucial tool for teens taking driver education classes and racking up the necessary hours to get their licenses."
    Woodward News, Woodward OK, July 2005

    "The [CarChip] high-tech gadget can rat out a lead-foot teenage driver in precision detail... Smaller than the tiniest cell phone, this portable 'black box' can be a data-logging spy for curious parents. [Teenaged driver] Lauren wasn't too keen on her father's CarChip idea at first, but she chirped a new tune after a few days. 'To be honest, it made me realize that my parents cared about my safety.'"
    The Times, Munster, IN, July 2005

    "With the deaths of two of their students at the end of the school year still felt deeply in their hearts, board members at Crestview [High School] are listening to a suggestion by Superintendent John Dilling that could help parents keep a closer eye on the young drivers in the family. The CarChip ...can be installed in a student's vehicle, allowing parents to know how the vehicle was driven. Maintenance Supervisor Jay Radman, who lost his daughter, Amanda, in a car crash only a few years ago said he wished the technology had been there before. ...Radman said he plans to use such a chip when his next child learns to drive. 'It's going to send a message to the students that the school cares for them.'"
    The Morning Journal, Lisbon, OH, June 2005

    "Before Ben Ellison got his driver's license, he dreamed of driving a midnight blue, low riding Honda with monster horsepower, a performance exhaust system, and inside, blue neon ords that glow with each bass beat from the stereo. Instead, he's driving a Mazda with a [CarChip] that spies on each ride. 'It's pretty cool technology and all,' he said, glancing at the matchbook-sized device plugged into the steering column near the knees of his cargo pants. ...'Maybe he's going to be mad,' [Ben's mother Susan] Schauer said, looking at her son. 'But I just can't hand the keys over and say, 'Off you go.'"
    Washington Post, Washington D.C., March 2005

    "Clearly, it does a lot more than a basic scan tool. But it also performs those basic functions, like telling you why the check engine light came on. Plus, unlike most scan tools that just give you a code, which you have to look up, the CarChip will tell you what the code means."
    NOPI Street Performance Compact, February 2004

    "...our gear editors evaluated thousands of the hottest new products, then whittled them down to the 77 you'll see here -- #66, Davis Instruments CarChip E/X."
    Men's Health Gear of the Year Awards, December 2003

    "If you like reports, plots, and tables, you'll love the CarChip software. It can display the distance the car traveled and indicate starts and stops."
    Joshua Gulick, Smart Computing, December 2003

    "Are you obsessed with your tow vehicle as you are with the boat it tows? Then CarChip is for you."
    Boating, November 2003

    "As a whole, CarChip could be a useful tool to track down frustrating intermittents and at its U.S. MSRP of $179, it's not expensive. And when you're not chasing down stray electrons with it, you can always find out if your daughter is having fun, fun, fun 'til you take her T-Bird away."
    Service Station & Garage Management, August 2003

    "Gearheads love it because it lets them download vehicle data like fuel pressure and battery voltage. But if this do-it-yourself data recorder doesn't become a hit with panicked parents of new drivers, I'll drive 25 forever."
    Richard Newman, US News & World Report, August 2003

    "CarChip proved an invaluable tool for Matt to see how he was doing as a driver."
    John Rettie, Motor Trend, August 2003

    "If you're into engine performace, you'll probably be interested in the DriveRight CarChip ... it will do some amazing engine-performance record-keeping..."
    Dick Debartolo, Powerboat Magazine, May 2003

    "... [CarChip] will put you in touch with your driving habits by flagging every instance of hard braking and sudden acceleration. That alone could make you a safer, more fuel-efficient driver—and easily make up the cost of your new car toy."
    Larry Armstrong, BusinessWeek, April 2003

    "The new CarChip, manufactured by Davis Instruments, tracks fuel-guzzling and downright dangerous behavior, such as jackrabbit starts, to help you modify your driving habits—or, more likely, those of your teenage son. And it's relatively cheap."
    Rafe Needleman, Business 2.0, March 2003

    "One especially nice thing CarChip can do, for example, is tell you what that 'check engine' light means before you take your car to a mechanic."
    Peter Valdes-Dapena, CNN Money, February 2003

    "I think the future is here, and I have seen it, and it's the CarChip."
    Ron Ananian, The Car Doctor, November 2002


    CarChip® Safety Notice

    CarChip has been carefully designed and tested to comply with OBDII protocols, which are used on most 1996 and newer cars and light trucks sold in the USA. However, some vehicle models are not in full compliance with these protocols for various reasons. In addition, the computer control systems on any given vehicle may be malfunctioning or out of spec, as may be the sensors used by these systems.

    Before installing CarChip, be sure to review the list of known vehicle exclusions and anomalies. For more information on OBDII issues and anomalies in general, we recommend The Equipment and Tool Institute's website at www.etools.org.

    While our testing and the experience of thousands of CarChip users have shown the unit to be safe and reliable, there is an inherent risk in adding any aftermarket product that may potentially affect the operation or drivability of your vehicle.

    If you are concerned about the operation of your vehicle at any time while using CarChip:

    • You should pull over, off the roadway, immediately or as soon as it is safe to do so.
    • Remove CarChip from the OBDII port.
    • Consult a licensed mechanicor automobile service center.

    Report any issues or concerns to our Technical Support Dept. at 6332-495-2106 or apexsinc@mozcom.com. We are open Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. GMT+8.


    CarChip® Conflicts & Exclusions

    CarChip has been carefully designed and tested to comply with OBDII protocols, which are used on most 1996 and newer cars and light trucks sold in the USA. However, some vehicle models are not in full compliance with these protocols for various reasons. Please read our important Safety Notice prior to purchasing or installing CarChip.

    Select the link that includes your version/product number of CarChip:

    CarChip Exclusions for "Pro" Models #8226 & 8246
    • CarChip Pro (#8226)
    • CarChip Fleet Pro (#8246)

    CarChip Exclusions: USB Models #8211-8245
    • CarChip (#8211)
    • CarChip E/X (#8221)
    • CarChip E/X with Alarm (#8225)
    • CarChip Fleet (#8241)

    CarChip Exclusions: Serial Models #8210-8220
    • CarChip (#8210)
    • CarChip E/X (#8220)

    Feel free to report any issues or concerns to our Technical Support Department by phone, (6332) 495-2106, or via e-mail at apexsinc@mozcom.com.

    Before installing CarChip, be sure to review the list of known exclusions, conflicts, and anomalies. Unless specified otherwise, the list applies to all versions of CarChip and is current to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date.